Have you heard all the buzz? Well, our glaMOREous ICON Miss OH SO WONDERFUL Oprah has teed up another delish author and book – LOVE WARRIOR by Glennon Doyle Melton. This gal is the REAL DEAL! Raw – uncensored – freeing and fulfilled! She got knocked down with some devasting news about the infidelity of her husband and her marriage exploding. However, instead of giving up, she rose up. I love her coined term BRUtiful – life is about the brutal and beauty combined. Glennon also had a great nugget of wisdom in an interview I recently watched, “If I’m going to claim the beautiful parts of life, that means I have to show up as me and take in all the pain too.” This book is a game changer… Join me in reading it. Since the thought leaders are glowing with excitement about Glennon’s message – I elected to make this my preread for the winter SUITE LIFE TOUR.